Brudköpet synopsis 1865

Brudköpet synopsis 1865
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Brudköpet. Innan Smetana vände sig till scenen hade han svärmat för Liszts symfoniska dikter. Hans första sceniska verk tillkom till följd av en operatävling som utlystes av greve Johann von Harrach 1861. Tävlingen var inriktad på att finna en opera skriven i nationell stil, som skulle uppföras vid invigningen av Provisoriska teatern i Prag, och för att tillgodose de kraven skrev Smetana Brandenburgarna i Böhmen. Kompositionsmässigt hämtade han tekniker från den franska och italienska operan. Enligt tidens mode utformade han recitativen på basis av den inhemska språkmelodin och gav därmed nationaloperan en avgörande impuls.

Brudköpet synopsis 1865

Akt I
I en by pågår en marknadsfest och alla är glada utom Marenka, som är förälskad i Jeník. Han fördrevs från sin hemby då hans far gifte om sig. Hennes föräldrar vill att hon skall göra ett bättre parti och förhandlar med äktenskapsmäklaren Kecal. Om ett giftermål med den välbärgade bonden Tobias Nichas son Vasek.

Malenka säger nej och hänvisar till att hon redan är förlovad med Jeník, och därför ämnar Kecal försöka övertala denne att avstå från Malenka.
Akt II
På värdshuset börjar den blyge Vasek prata med Malenka utan att veta att hon är hans tillämnade brud. Hon varnar honom för hans tillkommande och säger att hon älskar en annan, och därför tänker hon vara elak mot Vasek om han gifter sig med henne. Han blir förskräckt och lovar att vägra gå med på äktenskapsförslaget. Kecal erbjuder Jeník en summa pengar om han är villig att avstå från Marenka, och till allas förargelse undertecknar han ett avtal som går ut på att Jeník skall sälja sin brud på villkor att hon gifter sig med Tobias Michas son.
En kringresande cirkus har slagit sig ned i byn, och Vasek förälskar sig i lindanserskan Esmeralda som övertalar honom att uppträda som björn under den kommande föreställningen.

Då föräldrarna hämtar honom för att han skall skriva under äktenskapskontraktet påminner han sig vad Marenka har sagt och springer sin väg. Marenka får till sin bestörtning höra att Jenik har sålt henne. Han gör vad han kan för att förklara sin list, men hon vill inte lyssna och förklarar sig beredd att gifta sig med Vasek. I samma stund inser Tobias Michas att Jenik är hans försvunne son i första äktenskapet och att han alltså har kontrakt på att han skall få Marenka till hustru. Alla skrattar ut den misslyckade äktenskapsmäklaren och gläder sig åt det unga parets lycka.
Act 1 
A theatre production, showing a crowd of villagers celebrating outside an inn

Open-air performance at the Zoppot Waldoper, near Danzig, July 1912

A crowd of villagers is celebrating at the church fair (“Let’s rejoice and be merry”). Among them are Mařenka and Jeník. Mařenka is unhappy because her parents want her to marry someone she has never met. They will try to force her into this, she says. Her desires are for Jeník even though, as she explains in her aria “If I should ever learn”, she knows nothing of his background. The couple then declare their feelings for each other in a passionate love duet (“Faithful love can’t be marred”).

As the pair leave separately, Mařenka’s parents, Ludmila and Krušina, enter with the marriage broker Kecal. After some discussion, Kecal announces that he has found a groom for Mařenka – Vašek, younger son of Tobiáš Mícha, a wealthy landowner; the older son, he explains, is a worthless good-for-nothing. Kecal extols the virtues of Vašek (“He’s a nice boy, well brought up”), as Mařenka re-enters. In the subsequent quartet she responds by saying that she already has a chosen lover. Send him packing, orders Kecal. The four argue, but little is resolved. Kecal decides he must convince Jeník to give up Mařenka, as the villagers return, singing and dancing a festive polka.
Act 2
The men of the village join in a rousing drinking song (“To beer!”), while Jeník and Kecal argue the merits, respectively, of love and money over beer. The women enter, and the whole group joins in dancing a furiant. Away from the jollity the nervous Vašek muses over his forthcoming marriage in a stuttering song (“My-my-my mother said to me”). Mařenka appears, and guesses immediately who he is, but does not reveal her own identity. Pretending to be someone else, she paints a picture of “Mařenka” as a treacherous deceiver. Vašek is easily fooled, and when Mařenka, in her false guise, pretends to woo him (“I know of a maiden fair”), he falls for her charms and swears to give Mařenka up.

An actress in an elaborate head-dress and peasant costume

The celebrated Czech opera singer Emmy Destinn in the role of Mařenka, circa 1917

Meanwhile, Kecal is attempting to buy Jeník off, and after some verbal fencing makes a straight cash offer: a hundred florins if Jeník will renounce Mařenka. Not enough, is the reply. When Kecal increases the offer to 300 florins, Jeník pretends to accept, but imposes a condition – no one but Mícha’s son will be allowed to wed Mařenka. Kecal agrees, and rushes off to prepare the contract. Alone, Jeník ponders the deal he has apparently made to barter his beloved (“When you discover whom you’ve bought”), wondering how anyone could believe that he would really do this, and finally expressing his love for Mařenka.

Kecal summons the villagers to witness the contract he has made (“Come inside and listen to me”). He reads the terms: Mařenka is to marry no one but Mícha’s son. Krušina and the crowd marvel at Jeník’s apparent self-denial, but the mood changes when they learn that he has been paid off. The act ends with Jenik being denounced by Krušina and the rest of the assembly as a rascal.
Act 3
Vašek expresses his confusions in a short, sad song (“I can’t get it out of my head”), but is interrupted by the arrival of a travelling circus. The Ringmaster introduces the star attractions: Esmeralda, the Spanish dancer, a “real Indian” sword swallower, and a dancing bear. A rapid folk-dance, the skočná, follows. Vašek is entranced by Esmeralda, but his timid advances are interrupted when the “Indian” rushes in, announcing that the “bear” has collapsed in a drunken stupor. A replacement is required. Vašek is soon persuaded to take the job, egged on by Esmeralda’s flattering words (“We’ll make a pretty thing out of you”).

Actor in exaggerated stage pose, wearing a wide-brimmed hat and long heavy coat, carrying an umbrella

The opera singer Otto Goritz as Kecal, circa 1913

The circus folk leave. Vasek’s parents – Mícha and Háta – arrive, with Kecal. Vašek tells them that he no longer wants to marry Mařenka, having learned her true nature from a beautiful, strange girl. They are horrified (“He does not want her – what has happened?”). Vašek runs off, and moments later Mařenka arrives with her parents. She has just learned of Jeník’s deal with Kecal, and a lively ensemble (“No, no, I don’t believe it”) ensues. Matters are further complicated when Vašek returns, recognises Mařenka as his “strange girl”, and says that he will happily marry her. In the sextet which follows (“Make your mind up, Mařenka”), Mařenka is urged to think things over. They all depart, leaving her alone.

In her aria (“Oh what grief”), Mařenka sings of her betrayal. When Jeník appears, she rebuffs him angrily, and declares that she will marry Vašek. Kecal arrives, and is amused by Jeník’s attempts to pacify Mařenka, who orders her former lover to go. The villagers then enter, with both sets of parents, wanting to know Mařenka’s decision (“What have you decided, Mařenka?”). As she confirms that she will marry Vašek, Jeník returns, and to great consternation addresses Mícha as “father”. In a surprise identity revelation it emerges that Jeník is Mícha’s elder son, by a former marriage – the “worthless good-for-nothing” earlier dismissed by Kecal – who had in fact been driven away by his jealous stepmother, Háta. As Mícha’s son he is, by the terms of the contract, entitled to marry Mařenka; when this becomes clear, Mařenka understands his actions and embraces him. Offstage shouting interrupts the proceedings; it seems that a bear has escaped from the circus and is heading for the village. This creature appears, but is soon revealed to be Vašek in the bear’s costume (“Don’t be afraid!”). His antics convince his parents that he is unready for marriage, and he is marched away. Mícha then blesses the marriage between Mařenka and Jeník, and all ends in a celebratory chorus.
Musik: Bedrich Smetana|Text: Karel Sabina
Uruppförande: Prag, Provisoriska teatern 30 maj 1866. Svensk premiär: Stockholm, Operan (Svenska Teatern) 6 oktober 1894.


Roll Rösttyp
KRUSCHINA, ein reicher Bauer baryton
LUDMILA, seine Frau sopran
MARIE MARENKA, beider Tochter sopran
MICHA, Grundbesitzer bas
HATA, seine Frau mezzossopran
WENZEL VASEK, beider Sohn tenor
HANS JENIK, Michas Sohn aus erster Ehe tenor
KECAL, Heiratsvermittler bas
DIREKTOR einer Wandertruppe tenor
ESMERALDA,Tänzerin sopran
Ein “INDIANER” der Truppe bass
Dorfbewohner, Komödianten, Buben


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